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Python Built-in Functions

The most popular function in Python is print()This function has other cousins that are built-in the platform.

Input() Function

Input() function is a simple way to prompt the user for some input (such as provide their name). All user input is stored as a string.


Code Input:


name input("Hi! What's your name?")

print("Nice to meet you " + name + "!")


Code Output:


Hi! What's your name?

Nice to meet you, Jim!

Len() Function

Len() function helps you find the length of any string, list, tuple, dictionary, or another data type. It is a handy command to determine excessive values and trim them to optimize the perrformance of your program.


Code Input for a string:


# testing len()

str1 "Hope you are enjoying the tutorial!"

print("The length of the string is : ", len(str1))


Code Output:


The length of the string is: 35


Filter() function is used to exclude items in an iterable object (tuples, lists, etc)


ages [5, 12, 17, 18, 24, 32]


def myFunc (x):

      if x < 18

          return False


          return True


adults = filter(myFunc, ages)


for in adults




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